My blogging days began back during the heyday of BlogCity. Boy, were those simpler days.
Today, bloggers have a variety of platforms to choose from that bring their own bag of tricks to get writers to stick.
The platform I moved to from BlogCity was Blogger — before Google snatched them up. Ever since then, I've managed and written for a variety of blogs on the platform (as well as others).
As you look at the platforms as they stand today, one thing is for certain, there's a race going on and Google's Blogger is right there at the forefront battling the likes of WordPress, Drupal and one could argue, Squarespace.
However, if the last two months are any indication, Google is investing in their horse to win the race:
Blogger made it a point to showcase the brand at BlogWorld presence;
Google has rolled out a slew of custom mobile templates;
There's a new UI;
There's also Dynamic Views (HTML5, AJAX powered templates);
It also features profile integration with Google+;
Launched an official iPhone app;
Deeper integration with Google Analytics; and,
And as of today, has a Google+ page to help writers with the platform.
Google's Blogger Branded Page on Plus
As Larry Page wrote recently, "Think about it this way … last quarter, we’ve shipped the +, and now we’re going to ship the Google part."
One can only imagine how deep Google will integrate their services with Plus, including Blogger. Considering the fact that Twitter and Facebook aren't playing nicely with Google search, one would have to assume that a Google+ injection to Blogger would mean that posts will get some of that big time search love (and for AdSense users, some cashola).
While other blogging platforms are fairly dormant these days (in my opinion), Blogger seems to be making steady strides to integrate it into the Google-verse, while forcing the issue within the platform market.
What blogging platform is your money on?
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