Apple’s Siri was launched with the iPhone 4S last October, and it looks like Siri now makes up around 25 percent of all the searches performed on Wolfram Alpha.
When you ask Siri a question, depending on what type of question you ask it, many of the answers will come from Wolfram Alpha, if you ask Siri the time, you will get an answer direct from Siri, but if you ask it a more complex question then Wolfram Alpha will provide the answer.
The news comes from the New York Times, who have said that around a quarter of all the searches on Wolfram Alpha come from Siri, which would mean that 25 percent of all their searches are conducted by voice commands.
As Siri and other voice technologies are developed over the next few years it will be interesting to see what percent of searches are performed using voice, we suspect this will increase quite a bit over the next few years.