Security software vendor Symantec has released a report indicating that some applications on the Android Market carried a malware.
Symantec said that 13 applications from three developers have been able to spread Android malware to around one to five million Android devices. Some of the malicious apps have already been struck down from the Android market.
The malware was identified as the Android.Counterclank and could pose security risks since it collects personal information from the user.
Symantec has released the name of apps and games that were found to be containing the malware. These are: Counter Elite Force, Counter Strike Ground Force, CounterStrike Hit Enemy, Heart Live Wallpaper, Hit Counter Terrorist, Stripper Touch Girl, Balloon Game, Deal & Be Millionaire, Wild Man, Pretty Women Lingerie Puzzle, Sexy Girls Photo Game, Sexy Girls Puzzle and Sexy Women Puzzle.
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